About me and this website
On this site I hope to post short articles about topics that interest me, along with some interactive demonstrations of mathematical concepts. I may also upload some lecture notes if I ever get around to finishing any.
I can be reached at
My work
Right now I’m studying under Mat Langford at ANU’s Mathematical Sciences Institute. I do Ricci flow. Elsewhere on the site I have a brief technical description of what I’m working on at the moment. I am also in the process of writing a series of short articles for a general audience describing a simple geometric flow called curve shortening flow. See the first one here.
I also have some interactive visualizations of geometric flows on this website, under one of the links above. Inspired by Anthony Carapetis, see https://a.carapetis.com/csf/ for a nice visualization of the curve shortening flow.
I’m writing some notes on calculations in Riemannian geometry, since I hate calculations.
Computations in Riemannian geometry
You can draw here!